Розумний облік спроживання газу для Кіровоградгаз
В м. Кропивницький для ВАТ «Кіровоградгаз» було розгорнуто рішення для організації дистанційної передачі даних з приладів обліку споживання газу на основі технології LoRaWAN. Запропоноване рішення дозволяє дистанційно знімати показники споживання з лічильників, аналізувати отриману інформацію, що в свою чергу введе до ефективного контролю витрат газу споживачами та скорочення виробничих витрат.
Замовити консультацію
Internet of Things with IOTCELL
A system of physical devices ("things") that allows to transmit and receive information using wireless networks without any human intervention
Our projects
Environmental solution
Applications of the Internet of Things
Smart city
Environment monitoring, smart lighting, parking system, public transportation management
Smart logistics
Assents tracking and monitoring solutions, fuel monitoring sensors. Movements manegement inside and outside the warehouse
Smart agriculture
Soil moisture and ambient temperature sensors connected to the weather system to determine the need for irrigation
Smart medicine
Medical equipment monitoring, smart bracelets for the elderly
Building automation
Heating and air conditioning control with a help of environmental sensors and smart switches, smoke and fire detectors
Remote data reading from electricity, water and gas meters
Internet of Things technologies
lifecell offers solutions based on two IoT technologies: NB-IoT and LoRaWAN
NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things) is a cellular communication standard for telemetry devices. Designed to connect a wide range of stand-alone devices into one network. For example, medical sensors, resource consumption meters, smart home devices, etc.
LoRaWan is a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) protocol optimized for low power consumption over long distances with a high signal penetration. LoRaWan protocol is ideal for self‑powered wireless devices and can safely provide two‑way network communication with a high level of scalability
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Components of the IoT solutions
Sensors and devices that can transmit information via IoT network. Lifecell customers most often use IoT solutions in utility services, logistics, agriculture, industrial enterprises as well as for launching smart city solutions
As there is no universal IoT standard in Ukraine lifecell made a decision to develop two technologies of the Internet of Things: LoRaWAN and NB‑IoT. There are advantages to both technologies. The choice of the technology depends on the needs and conditions of a particular project
Analytics and visualization
We provide an application (desktop or WEB) for every solution or API for integration with the existing system of your company
Why lifecell?
Reliable partner
We are a leading Ukrainian digital operator that offers smart solutions and unique experience in the IoT field
Turnkey solutions
We provide an opportunity to choose one of the ready-made solutions or can adapt the solution for the specific needs of your company
24/7 support
Your business can always use professional round-the-clock technical support from lifecell. Large business will also be consulted by a personal manager
Data transmission security
When transferring data the encryption algorithms used by LTE and NB-IoT networks have 128-bit keys. In addition, all LTE and NB IoT base stations work through an IPsec tunnel. LoRaWAN like NB-IoT network uses 128-bit encryption keys during the data transmission
Carrier grade equipment
NB-IoT network is built using the equipment of Ericsson and Huawei. When deploying LoRaWAN solutions Cisco equipment and Actility IoT platform are used
Start using IoT to your advantage right now
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Contact us: iot@lifecell.com.ua